Individual Golf Membership

This classification refers to one person being the designated member having full golf privileges.  Spouse and children have clubhouse and pool privileges.

Family Golf Membership

This classification entitles the member, spouse, and children under the age of twenty-one to play golf and enjoy the clubhouse and pool facilities.  This membership provides one locker each for the member and spouse.  The age of the designated member determines classification.

Social Membership

This classification, for families, entitles the member, spouse, and children under the age of twenty-one clubhouse and pool privileges.  A social member can play a maximum of two tee times per month, one tee time, and once as a guest of a full golfing member (including tournaments). His or her spouse may accompany the member.  Green fees must be paid.  Weekday golf play (Mondays through Thursdays) is permitted with a tee time.  Friday tee times are to be before 11:00 AM and after 2:00 PM.  Weekend golf play (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) is permitted after 3:00 PM for members and immediate family only (no outside guests).  Guest privileges are allowed on weekdays only.  The guest(s) must be accompanied by the social member.  The spouse of the social member does not have guest privileges.  A social member is not eligible to play in Club tournaments as a member but may play as the guest of a full golfing member.

Social Youth Golf Membership

Children of social members who are through the age of twenty-one can be a Social Youth Golf Member. There are no guest privileges for this classification.  The Board of Governors may limit this type of membership.  Members are eligible to participate in the Youth League Program.

Corporate Membership

This classification entitles four designated corporate employees the full use of the clubhouse, pool, and golf facilities on weekdays only (not Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).  Dining room privileges are available at all times.  Friday tee times to be before 12:15 PM and after 2:00 PM.  Golf is limited to a total of four players, including member(s), per day.  Billing will be to the corporation.  A corporate member is not eligible to play in Club tournaments as a member but may play as the guest of a member.

Junior Golf Membership

This classification allows children under the umbrella of a Family Golf Membership and between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one years golf privileges as adults.  Junior Golf members do NOT have golfing privileges prior to 11:00 AM on Saturdays.  The Board of Governors may limit this type of membership.


Limited membership when golf membership is filled to capacity. This classification is the same as a social membership with additional privileges and restrictions.

  • Members-in-waiting will be allowed one tee time per week, Monday – Thursday, from May 1 – August 31.
  • Members-in-Waiting will be allowed to play golf anytime Monday – Friday, from September 1 – April 30. Friday tee times are restricted to before 11:00 AM and after 2:00 PM.
  • Members-in-Waiting will be allowed a maximum of two players (spouse or one guest).
  • Playing privileges will not apply on tournament dates. A member-in-Waiting is not eligible to play in Club tournaments as a member but may play as the guest of a member.
  • Spouse is to be included in the membership.
  • Holiday and weekend golf play will be subject to availability after 2:00 PM from September 1 – April 30.
  • A Board member, the Golf Pro, or the General Manager must approve other guest privileges upon request. Subject to availability.
  • Green fees are to be paid at all times.
  • General Golf Course Rules apply to this membership. (Refer to the Member’s Handbook)

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If you’re looking for more information regarding memberships, club services/ amenities, or anything else here at Quidnessett Country Club please don’t hesitate to contact us. We have expert staff waiting to help you out however we can, and are always accepting new membership applications!

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