General Tournament Rules
Tournament Rules General
- All players participating in tournaments are responsible to register in the Pro Shop by the time specified.
- All qualifying rounds and matches must be played at the tee time on the date scheduled by the Golf Committee.
- Members signing up for any tournament who fail to show up at a prescribed time to start will be assessed the regular entry fee, and, except for emergencies, will be ineligible for future tournaments at the discretion of the Golf Committee. Notification to cancel must be given to the designated tournament official 48 hours prior to tee-off time.
- Scorecards, signed by the scorer and properly attested to, must be turned in after each round; incomplete rounds to be included.
- All guests must have established Club handicaps or play from scratch. All out-of-state guests must have a signed card from their club with a current handicap. The closing time for entries will be Wednesday night before the tournament unless otherwise specified.
- Full dues-paying members who have paid the current year’s annual $80 tournament fee are eligible for all tournaments. Junior members will be notified of eligibility requirements.
7. In the event of unfavorable weather, the Golf Committee reserves the right to cancel play. - U.S.G.A. “Rules of Golf ” shall prevail unless a local exception is made by the Golf Committee. All decisions made by the Golf Committee are final.
- The Golf Committee reserves the right to change tournaments and/or pricing as may be deemed necessary.
- Members who are 65 to 79 years old with a handicap of 25 or greater and members who are 80 or older may play from the gold tee markers during ABCD, weekly Club tournaments, and as determined by the Golf Committee for special events.
- A Member-in-Waiting, Social, Out-of-State, Club Quidnessett, or Corporate member of Quidnessett Country Club is not eligible to play in Club tournaments as a member but may play as a guest of a member.
- During any tournament play, all participating members and their guests are expected to complete the entire tournament in full. Not reporting at the specified time or walking off the golf course during play is a serious offense to the tournament rules and the Club rules. This offense may lead to disciplinary actions imposed by the Tournament Committee and the Board of Governors. If a member’s guest is the one to cause the offense, the member shall be responsible and accept the disciplinary actions. Injuries and personal or family emergencies are exempt from this rule with proper notification to the Golf Professional or a member of the tournament committee. In the event that a substitute is needed the Golf Professional and the Tournament Committee will find an appropriate player.
The “entire tournament” is defined as follows:
Match-Play Events: All scheduled matches for the entire tournament including any play-off matches or other play designated by the pro shop and/or tournament committee.
Medal/Stroke-Play Events: All scheduled tee-times and designated amount golf holes to be played for the entire tournament including any play-off holes or other play designated by the pro shop and/or tournament committee.
Weekend Tournaments/Annual Fee
- Eligibility for a prize in any weekend tournament requires turning in a full 18-hole score. Members must have their scorecards attested to by another member. Cards must be turned in on the day of the event before the Pro Shop closes. In order to qualify, you must tee off before 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays, 12 Noon on Sundays and holidays.
- Fee for tournament eligibility will be $80 annually. This is an optional fee. However, members cannot participate in any Golf Committee-sponsored events unless they elect to pay this fee. This includes all events listed in the Men’s Tournament Schedule.